Obtenez rapidement vos permis de transport avec CompactService.com. Experts en autorisations de transport, facilitez vos démarches dès maintenant ! MENU

About Compact Service

Our Story

Since 1987 Compact Service has been the specialist in road permits and has been assisting its customers on a daily basis for over 30 years to deal with questions about permits in the road transport industry.

We support our clients in the context of a partnership where our availability, our expertise, our art of listening and our know-how are put at their service so that they can always take the road on the right side.

Our comprehensive and tailor-made services allow our customers to be well supported on every trip, in addition to assistance at all times in the event of an emergency.

Nous épaulons nos clients dans le cadre d’un partenariat ou notre disponibilité, notre expertise, notre art d’être à l’écoute et notre savoir-faire sont mis à leur service afin qu’il puisse prendre toujours la route du bon côté.

Nos services complets et sur mesure permettent à notre clientèle d’être bien accompagnée à chaque voyage, en plus d’une assistance en tout temps en cas d’urgence.

About Us

You are traveling outside Quebec or you are traveling with an oversized load. Do you have all the necessary permits? Contact us and our agents will be happy to help you.